To remove one or more products from a collection, follow the procedure below. 1. In your Product menu, click on "Collections ". 2. Select the collection in which the product to be deleted is located The page of the collection in question opens. ...
It is possible to add tags to your products. Tags allow for easy access to your products. They will be used in: Your back office: the search engine of the menu Products > All products Front side: in the Search section of your app They also allow you ...
Once you have created a collection, you can now start adding the products relevant to this collection. Two options are available: 1. Add an existing product to a collection 2. Create a new product directly in a collection. Note: a product can be ...
All your products must be associated with at least one collection. One of the first steps will therefore be to create one or more collections within your shop. Here is the procedure to follow: 1. Click on "Collections ", in your Product menu 2. Click ...
You can add and manage your products from the Products menu in your back office. 1. Go to the menu Products > Add 2. Add a title and a short description of your product. 3. Add one or more images to illustrate your product 4. Define the ...