IAB Europe has finalized v2.0 of its Transparency and Consent Framework developed with IAB Tech Lab and mutual member companies. Google fully supports TCF v2.0.
The aim is to provide transparency between Publishers (Site owner displaying ads), ad networks, and Vendors (ads supplier) by using a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that is verified by the IAB.
Muse mBaaS implemented Google's CMP called Funding choices * for your apps to comply with Google's EU User Consent policy.
*Funding choices can be set for your Muse mBaaS apps only when using AdMob, Google Ad Manager or Google AdSense.
Setting Funding choices as CMP on your Muse mBaaS apps is mandatory for Google to display ads on your apps via AdMob, Google Ad Manager and Google AdSense to your European visitors.
Your app will display this consent form (Popup) when opening the app to all your final users to help with consent gathering for the General Data Protection Regulation for ad serving purposes.
If you set Founding Choice, a popup form will appear and replace your cookie warning.
Follow the steps below to set Funding choices.
Sign up for Funding Choices
1. In AdMob or Ad Manager, click the Privacy & messaging tab in the left menu*
2. Click Go to Funding Choices at the top of the page.
3. Follow the prompts to create an account, including accepting Funding Choices terms and conditions.
Apps you manage are automatically listed on the Funding Choices "Apps" page.
See Google's documentation here.
*In order to be able to sign in with Funding Choices, AdSense users must set an AdMob or Ad Manager account first.
2. Create your Messages for EU user Consent - Native Apps
This message type is displayed to eligible users from the European Economic Area (EEA) & UK (United Kingdom) to help with consent gathering for the General Data Protection Regulation for ad serving purposes.
1. Go to Google Funding Choices platform
2. In the "App" menu select your app
3. Click "Create" under "Create your first message".
4. Select "EU consent"
Consent details
5. Consent framework: IAB Europe transparency and consent framework is selected by default
6. Enter your Privacy URL
7. Select your vendors (if you don't know what this is, select « Google Advertising Products »)
8. Click "Save"
Set up your message
9. In the "Message name" field, give the message a name that allows you to quickly find it in the interface. The name is shown only in the Funding Choices interface; it won't be visible to your users.
10. Select the language of the message.
11. In the “Select the consent choices your users see” section, choose one of:
Consent / Manage options: This message presents your users with a choice to consent to your vendors and your vendor’s purposes, or to customize their consent selections.
Consent / Do not consent / Manage options: This message presents your users with a choice to consent to your vendors and your vendor's purposes, not consent to your vendors and your vendor's purposes, or to customize their consent selections.
12. Click "Continue" to preview or edit each of the message's dialogs.
13. Click "Save" when you’re done.
14. When you’re ready, publish the message (see example below).
Warning: at least 1 Message must be activated.
See Google's documentation here.
3. AdMob | Find your App ID - Native Apps
An app ID is a unique ID number assigned to your apps when they're added to AdMob. The app ID is used to identify your apps.
1. Sign in to your AdMob account at https://apps.admob.com.
2. Click Apps in the sidebar.
3. Click View all apps.
4. Click the copy icon in the App ID column to copy the ID of your apps*.
*If you have published both iOS and Android you'll need both App IDs.
See Google's documentation here.
4. Google Ad Manager | Find your App ID - Native Apps
1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
2. Click Inventory > Mobile apps.
3. Find your mobile apps for which you need the App ID.
4. Click the copy icon to copy the "App ID" to your clipboard.
*If you have published both iOS and Android you'll need both App IDs.
See Google's documentation here.
5. Set your App ID in your backend Muse mBaaS - Native Apps
1. Go to the menu Settings > App Settings > "EU consents" tab.
2. Activate the alert Funding Choices for your native app iOS and/or Android
3. Copy the App ID you got at step 3 or 4 above, in the dedicated field (either Google Ad Manager or AdMob App ID).
4. Click "Save"
5. Publish the settings of your app
6. Create your Messages for EU User Consent - PWA
Add a site:
1. Sign in to your Funding Choices account at https://fundingchoices.google.com/.
2. On the "Sites" page, click "Add Site".
3. Enter the following:
-Site name:
Used to identify this site within the Funding Choices interface.
The name that’s displayed in the message users see, such as Example Pet Store Site.
The main domain of the site on which you’re showing the message, such as examplepetstore.com. If the main domain is entered, all subdomains will use the same message.
Alternatively, subdomains, such as food.examplepetstoresite.com can be added separately to display separate messages.
-Home page:
The web page shown to users who choose to sign up for Google Contributor, such as https://www.examplepetstore.com/about_us.html.
4. Click "Save".
See Google's documentation here.
Create your message:
5. Select the site where you want to display the message.
6. Click "Create". The "Select your message type" page opens.
7. Select "EU Consent".
Consent details
8. Consent framework: IAB Europe transparency and consent framework is selected by default
9. Enter your Privacy URL
10. Select your vendors (if you don't know what this is, select « Google Advertising Products »)
11. Click "Save"
Set up your message
12. In the "Message name" field, give the message a name that allows you to quickly find it in the interface. The name is shown only in the Funding Choices interface; it won't be visible to your users.
13. Select the language of the message.
14. In the “Select the consent choices your users see” section, choose one of:
Consent / Manage options: This message presents your users with a choice to consent to your vendors and your vendor's purposes, or to customize their consent selections.
Consent / Do not consent / Manage options: This message presents your users with a choice to consent to your vendors and your vendor's purposes, not consent to your vendors and your vendor's purposes, or to customize their consent selections.
15. Click "Continue" to preview or edit each of the message's dialogs.
16. Click "Save" when you’re done.
17. When you’re ready, publish the message (see example below).
Warning: at least 1 Message must be activated.
See Google's documentation here.
7. Add the Funding Choices tag to your PWA
1. Sign in to your Funding Choices account at https://fundingchoices.google.com/.
2. In the main menu, select Deployment.
3. On the “Site script” dialog, click "Copy".
4. Go to the menu Settings > App Settings > "EU consents" tab of your backend Muse mBaaS.
5. Activate the alert Founding Choices for your PWA
6. Paste the script copied at step 7.3 above, in the dedicated field
7. Click "Save"
8. Publish the settings of your app