Once you have set your subscriptions via in-app purchase extension in your apps, you are responsible for your subscribers account management.
Subscriptions are, by default renewed, automatically by the stores.

Deleting a user account from the app or the app being deactivated doesn't cancel your user's subscription made on the stores.
To learn how your users can cancel their subscriptions, please refer to this online help.
1. In-app Purchase has NOT been Set for your Apps in the Stores
You installed In-app purchase add-ons on your backend Muse mBaaS and your subscriptions have been set in the stores.
You have 2 ways of deleting the extension:
A/ To cancel the automatic renewal of your users' subscriptions on the stores, you need to cancel your subscriptions from the stores:
New users won't be able to subscribe anymore to your app
Existing subscribed users will be able to access restricted content from your app
- Open a ticket for the support team asking to deactivate all In-app purchases subscriptions from the stores.
- Wait until your last users' subscription is expired to delete the extension from your back office as explained above.
All data and feature related to in-app purchase extension will be removed.

We advise you to import your users data from the user list before deleting the extension in-app purchase.
B/ To remove completely the add-ons in-app purchase while you still have subscribers with valid subscriptions
All data and feature related to in-app purchase extension will be removed:
New users won't be able to subscribe anymore to your app
Existing subscribed users will lose their premium access to your app even if their subscription is still valid
You can refund your users if you remove the subscription features they've paid for.
This is managed from the stores directly:
Google process: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/2741495#zippy=%2Crefund-subscriptions-including-refund-and-revoke
Apple process: Contact Apple so they can do the refunds: https://developer.apple.com/contact/app-store/remove/
Regarding the removal of the add-ons on your app:
- Open a ticket for the support team asking to deactivate all In-app purchases subscriptions from the stores and to remove the extension in-app purchase once the subscriptions are cancelled.