Widgets Available on the Home Section

Widgets Available on the Home Section

Your home page is the first page displayed on your app after the launching screen.
From this page, you can automatically highlight content from other pages, add call-to-actions, insert useful links, and more.

You build your Home section with widgets. This online help will describe different kinds of widgets available for your Muse mBaaS apps.

You can add up to 20 widgets on your home page.

1. Content widget

This widget displays the content of your app sections on your home page.

1. You can select to display content from the following type of sections*:
- CMS sections (blog, map, video, calendar etc.)
- External content sections (WordPress, Youtube etc.)
- User section

2. Settings tab
- Widget template: select the template of your widget
- Header: depending on the template chosen, if a header is available, configure its title, fonts, alignment, colors etc.
- Content zone: depending on the template chosen, several options will be available to be set the color and font for the titles, info, cell color, pager etc.
- Content zone options: enables you to set the sorting options, number of items, info etc.
- Global options: depending on the template chosen, it enables you to set the default thumbnail, margin, Content alignment, effect on the images etc.

3. Source tab
Modify the source of the widget.

*In order to be able to set a content widget, you must first set the sections you wish to display in your widget first.
The source list in your widget depends on the sections published in your app.

This widget allows you to:
- Create links to internal pages of your app or external links on your home page
- Perform actions from your app (call, send an SMS or email)
- Open the URL of an app in the stores

1. Widget template, select the template of your widget.
Depending on the template, the design of the buttons changes:
Level 1 buttons: Small Slide show and Big Slide show templates
Level 2 buttons: Visual, Grid, Small Carousel, and Big Carousel templates

2. Links
- Click "add a link" to create your link
- Select the type of link (Section, Action, External link, an application in the stores)
- Depending on your template, set the different options: add an image, title and description, icon, display a button, etc.

3. General settings, depending on your template, it enables you to set the margins, widget background color, fonts, action button, effect on the images, etc.

3. Advertising widget

This widget displays the ads settings in your monetization menu*.

1. Select the campaign
2. Select the format of your advertising
3. Repeat the operation in this widget for each platform iOS, Android, PWA (depending on your offer)

*To be able to set an Advertising widget, you must first set your internal or external advertising campaign.

4. Search widget

This widget enables the search feature on your home page and redirects your users to the result of your search section*
Only 1 Search widget can be added on the home page,  

1. Select the source search section for your widget
2. Set the design element of this widget: header, content zone, and global options.

*To be able to set a Search widget, you must first set a search section.

This widget displays shortcuts to your app's social network accounts: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Dailymotion, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, Tumblr, Dribbble and others.

1. Select the social network you wish to create a link to
2. Repeat the operation in this widget for each social network
3. Set the header and global options of the widget

6. Newsletter widget

This widget allows you to collect emails from your users.

1. Design tab
- Set the header, content zone and global options of the widget.
- Set a link to your Terms of use using the drop-down menu (1)

2. Subscribers tab
Click export data to export the list in a .csv file

Edit the text to let your final users know why you are collecting their email (what you will do with their email) and ask them to read your terms of use. (1)
Required by the GDPR. The GDPR applies to all entities based in an EU country that process personal data, as well as all entities worldwide that process personal data belonging to EU residents.

7. Separator widget

This widget displays a separator between other widgets.

1. Set its height in pixels and the color of the widget
2. Set the global options of the widget

8. HTML widget

This widget allows you to display your own HTML code.

1. Fill in the zone height of the widget
2. Enable or not the scrolling
3. Add your own HTML code*
4. Click "Save"

*Muse GRAVITY technical support team doesn’t manage the resolution of issues related to external code. 
 Muse GRAVITY team does not debug any code that it did not code himself, including embed codes or iframe.

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